Friday, February 13, 2009

Freddie Kruger?

*** Friday the 13th Democratic Porkulus Bill ***

GOP stands united in the House. 3 Turncoats vote with Dems in Senate. Final tally later.

Just great.

Hey, bought it, you own it. YOU pay for it.

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Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Ravelry Practices Censorship

Yep. It's alive and well on a supposedly family-friendly website.

If they don't like your group because you aren't a left-leaning moonbat, not only do they censor you they will shut down your group offering only lame excuses. While groups such as Crotch Shots still exist as do avatars that are highly offensive and should not be viewed by children (oh, did I mention it's billed as a family site), Conservative Groups are hounded and harassed by Liberal harpies who have nothing better to do in their lives (do they even work?)than troll and stalk those of us whose ideas they hysterically oppose. Their rantings are vile to the extreme (one thread of messages lists terrible things they want to do to Sarah Palin and her family), but THEIR groups have been granted dispensation and are allowed to stay.

So, the censorship of the Right has begun. But that's OK. We're taking to whatever medium we have at our disposal to expose this attack on our 1st Amendment rights.

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