Thursday, March 01, 2007

Bye Bye February

Wow! Where did February go? And March is coming in like a LION! Thunder and sleet. What a wonderful mix.

I have completed more of the Fair Isle chullo hat, but what I've been working on the most is the Philosopher's Wool sweater. Here's progress on the first sleeve.

I love working with this yarn. I started out using dpns, but switched to a circular which made it much easier for me to seee how the pattern increases fall in. I'm seriously considering ordering more of their kits. Maybe a vest for the hubster.

I'll be away most of March on business, but plan on taking some projects to work on. Not sure I'll take the sweater, but definitely the hat, in addition to a couple pairs of socks. I just cast on for a pair of Sauvie Island socks from the book Fair Isling on Blue Moon (Socks that Rock yarn). Have had the yarn for over a year and felt like getting into something challenging. Right. :-) Hope to have a photo of progress on that later today or tomorrow.

In other knitting news I was asked by my daught-in-law if I would knit her a hat similiar to the one I did for the baby. No problemo. Had some pretty wool and did up a stocking hat w/tassel in no time flat.

I hope she likes it.