Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Good grief!!!

I decided to add progress bars for some (note I said some) of my WIPs. Holy Moley! It didn't seem like a whole lot until I actually saw them in print. And that's not all of them, either.

Somewhere I have a mittload of socks in progress. Is it any wonder I decided to Knit from the Stash in 2007??

Happy New Year

Well, even though I have a blog at Livejournal I found I should probably keep this one, too, as I just joined the Hanne Falkenberg KAL also on Blogger. Rather than keep photos in two places, though, I'll keep them on Livejournal and link from here.

Last night, I determined I needed #5 needles to get the correct gauge on the LaStrada #1 I'm attempting. Quite a difference from the size 2-3 they recommend. And here I thought I always knitted loose. LOL!!! And so the cast on begins. All 475 stitches. I'm putting markers every 50 stitches so I don't lose count.

My local LYS is offering a 4-session, instruction only, class for those who have kits but have been too intimidated to start them. Mine (Lastrada #1) has been staring back at me for over a year, so I jumped at the chance for help.

Well, back to casting on..................