Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Way Overdue for an Update

But----I have been busy! The back of the Neverending Golf Sweater is done!! All I have to do is put the stitches on holders and start the front. At least the front has come distractions: placket and collar.

I've nearly completed a sweater for my grand-daughter:

Pattern: Garter Pullover, Knit Simple magazine, Spring/Summer 07 Yarn: Kim by Needful Yarns. Denim blue and pink. Have two really cute rosebud buttons for the neck placket.

I also decided to pick up my spindle again and try to spin some sock weight yarn. Up until now all I've managed is some heavy sport weight. That is until I splurged and bought a couple of lightweight spindles.

Counterclockwise from top: 3 bags of fiber from Cider Moon, One large hank of roving from Crown Mountain (My Boyfriend's Back colorway), Superwash Merino sock Wool from Cider Moon in Jackie O., Spindle Spinning by Connie Delaney, Spinning in the Old Way by Priscilla A. Gibson-Roberts, and Handpainted Superwash Merino sock yarn from Chewy Spaghetti in Steely.

Clockwise from top left: La Lana Wool pattern, "Modified Diagonal Cardigan" by Valentina Devine; 2 skeins sock yarn from Yarn Pirate in Daisy and Sagebrush; Featherweight Bosworth Spindle; Walnut DPN case from Golding and inside a set of 5 walnut DPNs in size 0; Solid Cherry Golding RingSpindle (2" whorl/walnut shaft/0.75 oz) and sock needle stitch markers from JL Yarnworks (Etsy)

In my next update,which I will try to post quicker than this one, I will reveal the yarn spun on such lightweight spindles. I'm even thinking of buying a bit of silk to work with. Yum!!