Wednesday, August 01, 2007

It's been how long???

Almost two months. Yes, time flies when you're having fun. Ha Ha.

Please forgive me. This summer it's been more about achieving personal goals than fibery ones. I passed my exam for amateur license, so I'm now a ham.

Just think, I can now communicate with knitting/spinning/weaving hams around the world.

And hubby and I joined an athletic club. Bronson Athletic Club I've been going about 3-4 times a week and have lost 3#. A drop in the bucket of 60 I need to lose, but a drop nevertheless.

But there have been fibery things also. The back of the tank I'm making for Sis is done and I'm ready to cast on the front:
I have until the end of September so I've plenty of time.

The Tulip Baby sweater is moving along, too:
I'm almost to the point of picking up stitches for the arms. I hope to have this done soon before the little one is too big for it.

I've gotten into a spinning streak. Right now I'm spinning up some roving I bought a couple of years ago. The idea was to knit the roving as is to make some felted slippers. Well, that didn't last long. So now I'm spinning up the roving for yarn. I'm using my Babe Production Wheel with the new Woolee Winder attachment. Photos of yarn to follow.

And on my Womack Butterfly electric spinner, I'm spinning up some roving I bought from Crown Mountain Farms In the My Boyfriend's Back colorway. It's looking yummy already. Am also doing some silk spinning on a very light spindle, but no photo of that yet.

Guess I better end this before something else strange happens and lose all of this.