Monday, February 05, 2007

You're still DA BEARS!!!

Yep. I can't begin to imagine how badly you feel over losing to the Colts. With Rex's first full season, you got to the Superbowl!! Don't listen to those who will rip you up and feed you to the wolves. They know nothing. They have opinions and as we all know opinions are like . . . .
well, you know. If they did, they wouldn't be sitting in their cushy offices spewing rhetoric. If they know so much, why aren't THEY coaching or playing.

So,'s SUPER cold here today. -7° this morning. Saturday saw blizzard conditions. This is how I always remembered winters in Michigan!!! I spent the weekend working on the Harrisville Aran sweater. I'm almost done with the back. I think I'll do both sleeves next.

Still no shawl kit from Philosopher's Wool. :-( And I'm trying so hard to be patient. Over the weekend I ordered the Sheep to Shawl book from them, too.

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